Dear #TeamTSTA NEA Representative Assembly (RA) Delegate,
Heads up that this email contains information regarding:
- FYI re: President Becky’s Letter to Delegates
- Texas Delegate Shirts/Uniform
- Texas Caucus Delegate E-Booklet +Website
- Texas Caucus Breakfast
- Transportation – Coming into Philadelphia
- Transportation – NEA RA Shuttles
- FYI re: TX Hotel Incidentals
- Exploring Philadelphia + July 4th Celebrations
FYI re: NEA President Letter to Delegates
We are attaching the letter from NEA President Becky Pringle that you should have received. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Texas Delegate Shirts/Uniform
Update – NEA is not providing t-shirts for this event at registration. When you reach your $200 PAC contribution, you will receive the PAC t-shirt. Please note below the attire schedule as presented by NEA and the Texas Caucus NEA RA Uniform Committee:
Day 1 – July 4: Open, some wear Red, White & Blue attire
Day 2 – July 5: Blue (like the NEA blue) (for example PAC shirt or Educators for Biden)
Day 3 – July 6: Public Schools Strong T-Shirt (provided by TSTA during Texas Caucus)
Day 4 – July 7: Texas Uniform T-Shirt (provided by TSTA during Texas Caucus)
Texas Caucus Delegate E-Booklet + Website
Please find attached the delegate e-booklet. Our Texas Caucus website is now live! This is where we post information you’ve already received, as well as live updates during the convention such as Texas Caucus Positions. Check it out: tstaneara.com
Texas Caucus Breakfast
A breakfast buffet will be served in the Texas Caucus room July 4-7 from 7:30-9 am. The menu is posted below – feel free to bring your own food and drink into the caucus room if you need to.
Fresh Scrambled Eggs
Apple Smoked Bacon or Sausage Links
Skillet Browned Potatoes
Sliced Seasonal Fruit & Berries
Assorted Freshly Baked Breakfast Pastries
Variety of Bagels with Assorted Cream Cheeses, Butter and Jelly
Hot Oatmeal
Assorted Chilled Juices
Freshly Brewed Regular and Decaf Coffee
Tazo Tea
Transportation – Coming into Philadelphia
Please be advised that the Texas hotel does not have an airport shuttle. If you plan on using rideshare options from the Philadelphia Airport, please see below guidance from the PHL website:
If you plan to use Uber, Lyft, or another app-based ride service after landing at PHL, proceed through Baggage Claim and follow the Ground Transportation signs for Ride App/Zone 7.
Ride App pick-up zones are located on the S. Commercial Road outside of each Baggage Claim. Exit through the doors onto the S. Commercial Rd. and continue to follow signs for Ride App/Zone 7.
Transportation – NEA RA Shuttles
NEA has published both NEA RA delegate shuttle schedules, and we have attached them to this email.
TX Hotel Incidentals Information
We want to make you aware that the default for guests is that the hotel has turned off incidentals for all rooms. This means that you will not be asked to make an incidentals deposit at check-in. It also means that you won’t be able to charge anything to your room – if you wish to be able to charge expenses to your room, let the front desk know at check-in, but please note that the hotel’s incidentals deposit is $50/night of your stay. In addition, please be advised that guests will be asked to provide a credit card at the front desk even if a credit card number was provided with the original room request.
We typically advise guests to put down a credit card for a reservation vs a debit card. Please note that if you do decide to turn incidentals back on, we recommend using ONLY a credit card or your bank will be debited the cost of the room plus the incidentals charges. Please contact me (crystalc@tsta.org) or Anezka Carmona (anezkac@tsta.org) if you are not comfortable with putting down a credit card, or if you have any questions related to lodging and billing.
Exploring Philadelphia + July 4th Celebrations
Please find attached a guide for exploring the diversity that Philadelphia has to offer – everything from neighborhoods, restaurants and shops, to museums and tours. We’ve also attached a map of restaurants in the area.
Heads up that Reading Terminal Market is closed on all major holidays, including July 4th. Otherwise, they are open seven days a week though the vendors may choose to be open or not on any given day.
For July 4th, here is an interactive convention district map for lunch options available – NEA Convention District Restaurants. A PDF version is also attached.
Here are links to July 4th celebrations in Philadelphia. Their traditional fireworks takes place along the Delaware River.
Dear #TeamTSTA NEA Representative Assembly (RA) Delegate,
Friendly reminder that you must be registered to access any password-protected areas of the NEA RA website – including the RA Business and NEA Fund (PAC) pages – using your delegate email and registration confirmation number.
Heads up that this email contains information regarding:
- Texas Delegate Office Hours
- Delegate Business Brainstorming
- Camp NEA (Childcare at the RA)
- NCESP Annual General Membership Meeting
- Delegate Town Hall Recording
- RA Support
TSTA Delegate Office Hours
TSTA President Ovidia Molina and TSTA Vice President Linda Estrada will be hosting Office Hours for all NEA RA Delegates this Sunday, June 23rd, from 3:45–5:15 pm CT/2:45-4:15 pm MT, and will be available to answer questions about the Texas Caucus Meetings and the NEA RA. Please register to receive the zoom link by filling out this form: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIod-yvqDMuGtOj9KBpW5m8uToJI4no05Gq
NEA PAC Updates
Donate today to help elect pro-public education candidates from the school board to the White House. Each delegate who donates $200 during the RA will receive an exclusive t-shirt, $500 gets you our “I Read Banned Books” tote, and $1000 a special track jacket!
Delegate Business Brainstorming in NEA EdCommunities
Join the 2024 edCommunities RA Delegate Brainstorming group to find like-minded delegates to collaborate on New Business Items (NBIs) and other RA business. In this group, you will find the link to submit items for RA consideration as well as instructional materials on the different types of business items that can be submitted.
To join the group, visit www.mynea360.org and sign in if you have an account, or create an account by selecting “Register for Access”. Once you have entered edCommunities, use the search box to find the “2024 RA Delegate Business Brainstorming” group and click the “+Ask to Join” button appearing to the right of the group icon and title.
Camp NEA (Childcare at the NEA RA) – Register by June 25th
Camp NEA is provided free of charge to all registered NEA attendees for children 6 months – 16 years.
To sign up, please read the information on this page, and when you’re done, click on the “Register Now” button at the bottom of the page:
NCESP Annual General Membership Meeting
The National Council for Education Support Professionals (NCESP) will hold its General Membership Meeting (GMM) on Wednesday, July 3, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in room 113AB at the Philadelphia Convention Center.
Registration will begin on July 3rd at 9:00 a.m., immediately outside of room 113AB, and will close promptly at 12:30 p.m. New memberships or renewals will not be accepted after 12:30 p.m. To be eligible to vote on action items during the GMM, NCESP membership submission or renewal with the required dues must be completed by 12:30 p.m. Please note that July 3rd is the first day of state caucus meetings. Since it may be difficult to register within the required timeframe, they encourage both new and renewing NCESP members to register online in advance of the meeting on July 3rd. You may register by visiting www.nea.org/ncesp and clicking the “Join ESP” button.
To register: https://web.cvent.com/event/671d26da-d07f-407c-a5be-2068388349c1/regProcessStep1
For questions, email Therman Evans at tevans@nea.org.
Delegate Town Hall Recording
If you missed the Delegate Town Hall hosted by NEA President Becky Pringle on June 12th, you can view the recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-WVrbWnPCM
RA Support
NEA’s suite of online support for delegates is fully launched within nea.org/ra and ready to assist you. Visit www.nea.org/rasupport to access:
- Registration for questions about registration staffed by NEAs registration team.
- World of Information where questions about the business before the body of the Representative Assembly can be answered, including general information and parliamentary inquiries. The World of Information can also connect you with our new Contact the Maker tool, which has been developed to help connect delegates, while keeping their personal contact information secure.
- RA Venue and Logistics page, where delegates can ask questions and provide suggestions or concerns about the RA venue and other general logistics.
- NEA PAC where our expert PAC team can answer delegate questions.
Dear #TeamTSTA NEA Representative Assembly (RA) Delegate,
Virtual Delegate Town Hall
Friendly reminder that the Virtual Delegate Town Hall is taking place tonight at 6:30-7:30 pm CT/5:30-6:30 pm MT. To access this town hall via Zoom, you need to complete your Delegate Registration. NEA sent out the link on June 3rd and is sending out reminders.
NEA RA Virtual Open Hearings Schedule – Update
We have received an update on the Open Hearings schedule for the time of the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules Hearing – it will be Thursday, June 20, 6:30-8:30 pm CT/5:30-7:30 pm MT.
Friendly reminder that the first Open Hearing takes place tomorrow, June 13, and like the Delegate Town Hall, you need to complete your Delegate Registration and sign up for the Open Hearings in order to get access to the links and reminders about them.
NBI Submission – Updates and Reminders
The NEA Committee on Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules (CCBR) is accepting submissions of items for consideration by the 2024 RA. All RA business items that have been received and processed by the CCBR will be posted to the RA Business items pages on www.nea.org/ra beginning this Friday, June 14. Please note that as in the past, the Business Item pages are password-protected and require your delegate email address and delegate registration confirmation number to access, so you have to have completed your registration in order to access them. To submit an item, go to www.nea.org/rasubmission
- UPDATE: Amendments to Items Published in RA Today and RA website – Deadline for Proposed Amendments: 8:00 am Eastern Time (Philadelphia time) on the day the item is to be considered
- UPDATE: Delegate Signatures or Proof or State Delegation Support – Deadline for Submissions: 8:00 am Eastern Time (Philadelphia time) on the day the item is to be considered
Friendly reminder that the deadline to submit NBIs is coming up next week – 4:00 pm Eastern Time (Philadelphia time), June 19, 2024 – one week from today. To submit an item, go to www.nea.org/rasubmission
Delegate Registration Reminder
Friendly reminder that NEA sent out the link for delegate registration last week on June 3rd, and they will be sending regular reminder to anyone who has not completed registration. If you have not received the link, please let us know ASAP, or reach out to NEA directly by emailing rasupport@nea.org.
Friendly reminder that delegates are expected to be registered and in attendance by noon on July 4, so please be sure to register as soon as you can!
NEA Human and Civil Rights Awards Dinner – Tickets are on sale now!
Date: July 3, 2024
Time: 5 pm ET – Pre-Reception and 6 pm ET – Awards Dinner
Tickets are $100 per seat, $1000 per table. Visit www.nea.org/hcrawards to purchase tickets and learn more about the program. For questions, email NEAHCRAwards@nea.org.
NEA Courses to Support Delegate Learning
NEA has developed two new courses for leaders who have been elected to serve as delegates to the NEA RA:
An Introduction to the NEA Representative Assembly: A Course for Delegate Leaders, Parts One and Two.
These courses provide information, resources, and tools to ensure delegates are prepared to engage in vital debate, set policy, approve the NEA Strategic Plan and Budget, and chart the direction of NEA business. The courses also explain the democratic processes of the Annual Meeting and expound on delegate responsibilities. The courses are accessible and free for members and staff. Visit www.nea.org/pep to enroll. After logging in, search the Catalog to locate and enroll in the courses. For assistance, please reach out to learningsolutions@nea.org.
Each delegate who donates $200 during the RA will receive an exclusive T-Shirt (see below).

Dear #TeamTSTA NEA Representative Assembly (RA) Delegate,
Congratulations on being elected to the NEA RA! You are receiving this information because our records indicate that you have been elected a delegate to this year’s NEA-RA Assembly in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Please see below for updates regarding the convention. We will share more information from NEA as the event approaches and also encourage you to monitor NEA’s delegate resource website at: https://www.nea.org/professional-excellence/conferences-events/annual-meeting-and-representative-assembly for the most up to date information.
Heads up that this email contains information regarding:
- RA and TX Caucus Schedule
- New Business Item (NBI) Submission
- NEA RA Delegate Registration
- Physically Challenged Delegate Services Registration
Schedule Reminders and Updates
This year, the RA’s theme is: “Promote. Protect. Strengthen Public Education. The Foundation of Our Democracy!”
The Representative Assembly will take place July 4-7 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, beginning at 10 am daily. The Texas Caucus is currently scheduled to meet at the Texas Delegation Hotel (Wyndham Philadelphia Historic District) from 1-5 pm on July 3 and 7:30-9 am on July 4, 5, 6 and 7.
We appreciate your flexibility as we continue to process NEA updates.
Virtual Delegate Town Hall
Wednesday, June 12, 6:30-7:30 pm CT/5:30-6:30 pm MT
Join NEA President Becky Pringle as she shares her vision for the 2024 NEA Representative Assembly (RA) and previews the events and daily agenda for the Annual Meeting and RA. Information on how to join President Pringle for the town hall is provided through delegate registration.
NBI Submission
To submit an item, please go to https://bit.ly/366aA4a, or to the RA delegate resource page (https://bit.ly/3Z6c3i3).
The deadlines for submission are as follows:
- New Business Items: 4:00 pm Eastern Time (Philadelphia time), June 19, 2024
- Maker Modifications to NBIs: 4:00 pm Eastern Time (Philadelphia time), July 1, 2024
- Amendments to submitted items: 8:00 am Eastern Time (Philadelphia time) on the day the item is to be considered
- Motions – to amend an item, consolidate items, withdraw an item (deadline for amendments and consolidations): 8:00 am Eastern Time (Philadelphia time) on the day the item is to be considered
- Amendments to Legislative Program, Resolutions, Policy Statements: 4:00pm Eastern Time (Philadelphia Time), July 4, 2024
- Standing Rule Amendments and Bylaw Amendments for 2025: March 4, 2025
- Constitutional Amendments for 2025: September 15, 2024
For further pertinent information regarding the submission of business items for the 2024 RA, please visit this page: https://www.nea.org/professional-excellence/conferences-events/annual-meeting-and-representative-assembly/delegate-resources/business-processs
NEA-RA Registration
RA Delegate registration opens on June 3rd – all delegates will receive an email from NEA with the link to register. Please keep an eye on your inbox and spam folder and reach out to rasupport@nea.org ASAP for assistance if you do not receive the invitation to register. Please remember that once you have reviewed the Summary page at the end of the registration form, to hit submit in order to complete your registration, and you will be directed to a confirmation page with your registration confirmation number. If you do not hit “submit”, your registration will be incomplete and you will continue to receive reminders to register.
Please be certain to register using the email address through which you have received this email as it is the email address in the RA Reg system associated with your name. If you need us to change the email associated with your delegate record, please advise us ASAP so that NEA can ensure a different email is tied to your delegate record. All delegates are expected to be registered and in attendance by noon on July 4th.
NEA Members, who are Non-Delegates, are welcome to attend the 2024 RA. They will need to register onsite at the convention center, as there is no pre-registration available for non-delegate members. Before a badge is issued, membership will be verified.
Delegates, Association Staff, and NEA Member Non-Delegates will be able to bring guests to the RA in 2024. All guests must be associated with a member or staff registrant and can be added during the registration process. No guests will be allowed to register without being associated with an existing registration. Guest badges will be handed out only to the sponsoring member or staff person, never to the guest directly.
Check-in and Registration Adjustment
- Wednesday, July 3 – 9am – 5pm EDT
- Thursday, July 4 – 9am – 5pm EDT
- Friday, July 5 – 9am – 5pm EDT
- Saturday, July 6 – 9am – 5pm EDT
- Sunday, July 7 – 9am – 12pm EDT
Delegates will be given a card at the Registration desk to redeem at the shirt table nearby.
*Please be sure that whether you are checking in or registering as a delegate, NEA member non-delegate, or guest, that you bring a photo ID with you.
NEA RA Virtual Open Hearings Schedule
Strategic Planning and Budget Hearing – Thursday, June 13, 6:30-8 pm CT/5:30-7 pm MT
Open Hearing on the Legislative Program – Monday, June 17, 6:30-8 pm CT/5:30-7 pm MT
Open Hearing on NEA Resolutions – Tuesday, June 18, 6:30-8 pm CT/5:30-7 pm MT
Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules Hearing – Thursday, June 20, 6:30-8 pm CT/5:30-7 pm MT
Open Hearing on the Proposed Policy Statement on Artificial Intelligence – Monday, June 24, 6:30-8 pm CT/5:30-7 pm MT
Physically Challenged Delegate Services Registration
The deadline to register for Physically Challenged Delegate services is June 3rd – please register here: https://web.cvent.com/event/5bdce93e-bee1-4ecb-92ca-91f6c4eb4463/summary
Thank you for all that you do. We look forward to seeing you at the RA!