Please find below the current list of candidates who have filed for NEA office, for election at the 2024 Representative Assembly. We get this list from and have kept it up-to-date as NEA publishes updates. All candidate materials that have been received to date are posted on
The 2024 Representative Assembly will elect two seats on the Executive Committee, two ESPs At-Large for three-year terms, one ESP At-Large for a one-year term, and one Classroom Teacher in Higher Education for a three-year term.
- Executive Committee (2 seats)
- Educational Support Professional At-Large (2 seats) – Three-Year Term
- Photo
- Monique Newkirk
- Maria G. Hernandez
- Shaquita Garrett
- Tonya Scott-Cole – Photo
- Educational Support Professional At-Large (1 seat) – One-Year Term
- Classroom Teacher in Higher Education At-Large (1 seat) – Three-Year Term
- Clinton Smith
- Liz Wright
- Classroom Teacher in Higher Education At-Large Alternate (1 seat) – Three-Year Term