The RA Assembly will take place on July 4-7 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA. The Texas Caucus is scheduled to meet at the Texas Delegation Hotel in Franklin Jefferson from 1-5pm on July 3 and 7:30-9am on July 4, 5, 6, and 7.

TX Delegate Shirts/Uniform:

Update – NEA is not providing t-shirts for this event at registration. When you reach your $200 PAC contribution, you will receive the PAC t-shirt. Please note below the attire schedule as presented by NEA and the Texas Caucus NEA RA Uniform Committee:

Day 1 – July 4: Open, some wear Red, White & Blue attire

Day 2 – July 5: Blue (like the NEA blue) (for example PAC shirt or Educators for Biden)

Day 3 – July 6: Public Schools Strong T-Shirt (provided by TSTA during Texas Caucus)

Day 4 – July 7: Texas Uniform T-Shirt (provided by TSTA during Texas Caucus)